Terms & Conditions
1. Applicable terms and conditions
The following general terms and conditions apply to all agreements concluded between individuals or companies/organizations representing individuals (hereinafter referred to as participants) and RNW Media regarding services and products (hereinafter referred to as courses) provided by RNTC Media Training Centre (hereinafter referred to as RNTC), a brand of RNW Media. Furthermore, the terms RNW Media and RNTC are hereinafter interchangeable.
2. Scope of commitments
a. Agreements concluded with RNTC create a best-efforts obligation for RNTC, and not a result-based obligation. In this context, RNTC is obliged to satisfy its commitments in such a way that can be required from RNTC according to standards of due care and professionalism based on the criteria at the time of compliance.
b. If RNTC engages third parties for the performance of an agreement concluded with RNTC, RNTC is obliged to select these third parties with due care, in the same way that the client would do this if the client were selecting these third parties.
c. Insofar as RNTC, for the proper performance of its commitments, is dependent on information from, or the cooperation by a participant, RNTC is released from its commitments if this information or the cooperation is not provided in a timely manner.
3. Payment
a. All prices stated by RNTC are denominated in euros and do not include VAT or other levies imposed by government.
b. The course fee includes a € 75 non-refundable enrolment fee.
c. Payments must be made within thirty days of the invoice date. Payment must be received by RNTC, at the latest, 14 days before the start of the course. Late payments will be subject to interest charges for overdue payment, equal to the legally permissible interest rate. Out-of-court collection costs will be subject to a charge of 15% of the late payment amount.
d. If a payment deadline has expired, RNTC will withdraw a participant from the course.
e. In case of a refund, RNTC will do so within 30 days after receipt of correct and complete bank information. Refunds will be done minus the cost of international bank transfers.
f. The course fee does not include travel, insurance or accommodation fees that may be relevant to courses. In the case that RNTC collects payment for travel and accommodation on behalf of a participant, these same payment terms apply.
g. For paying in instalments, in case of a missed instalment, RNTC will enrol the participant to the next possible iteration of the same course and start the instalment plan from the stage of the missed instalment.
4. Placement/admission
a. Courses offered by RNTC shall only take place in the case of sufficient enrolment. RNTC reserves the right to cancel a program up until 3 weeks before a course starts due to unforeseen circumstance, including but not limited to too few participants. In such a case, program fees will be reimbursed with the exception of the non-refundable enrolment fee.
b. RNTC cannot accept responsibility for any travel, accommodation or other costs incurred by a participant for a cancelled program.
c. If more participants enrol than can be admitted to the course, placement will occur according to the order of enrolment.
d. Admission to a course may depend on a RNTC selection procedure, in which the knowledge or skill level of prospective participants is assessed.
5. Cancellation/dissolution/termination
a. Period of Reflection: Individual subscriptions have a period of 14 days reflection. For a period of 14 days after signing of the agreement, the agreement can be dissolved without charge.
b. If the agreement with RNTC is dissolved, without there being a shortcoming attributable to RNTC or after the period of reflection as stated in 5.a, the dissolution of the agreement will be considered a cancellation, and must take place in writing.
c. The following terms apply to the cancellation of a course:
- In the case of cancellation within three months of the start of the course, the € 75 enrolment fee will still be owed.
- In the case of cancellation within six weeks of the start of the course, 50% of the price of the course will be owed.
- In the case of cancellation within three weeks before the start of the course, the full price of the course will be owed.
- Subject to the provisions in 4.c and 4.d, the enrolled participant may have someone replace him or her in the course.
d. Travel/Accommodation (if booked by RNTC for the participant): In the case of cancellation within fourteen days of the scheduled travel/accommodation start date the cost of cancellation will be owed. This is on top of anything owed under 5.c.
6. Changes to the training programme
In the unlikely event that RNTC requires to (i) discontinue or not provide a course; or (ii) significantly changes its content, method of delivery or method of assessment, such that the overall learning aims and outcomes of the course are fundamentally different; or (iii) significantly changes the location at which it is taught, or the dates on which it is taught and any such change may adversely affect the course participant:
a. RNTC will notify course participant at the earliest possible opportunity;
b. If course participant requests RNTC to do so, RNTC will seek to offer a suitable replacement;
c. If course participant does not accept the offer of a replacement programme or RNTC is unable to offer a replacement programme, course participant will be entitled to withdraw from the course, by RNTC in writing;
d. If course participant chooses to withdraw, RNTC will make an appropriate refund of tuition fees and deposits paid, minus costs incurred already (as mentioned in 5).
7. Intellectual property
a. Insofar as copyrights, trademark rights, models rights, trade name rights or other rights of intellectual property apply to products and services provided by RNTC in the performance of the agreement, RNTC is and remains the owner (in accordance with third party licenses) of these rights. All modules, hand-outs, models and/or techniques that are developed and/or used in the context of the assignment, are and remain the intellectual property of RNTC.
b. The participant receives only a non-transferable right of use insofar this is necessary for the performance of the agreement. The participant may only use the physical carriers of these rights for the purpose for which they were provided to the participant, and may not reproduce these carriers, or change or remove the copyright, trademark, model or trade name or other identifiers.
c. Participants or other parties may not reproduce the course material without advance written permission.
8. Liability and force majeure
a. RNTC is not liable for any loss, damage, inconvenience, delay in performance, or failure to perform in connection with the provision of any goods or services due to causes beyond RNTC’s reasonable control, including but not limited to: fire; natural disaster; acts of government; failure of suppliers or subcontractors; labour disputes or civil unrest; criminal, terrorist or threatened terrorist activities of any kind; public health emergencies. For loss or damage that is a direct result of a shortcoming attributed to RNTC, RNTC is only liable if this shortcoming is a result of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of RNTC.
b. Insofar as sports, physical activities or training simulations and comparable activities are part of the agreement concluded with RNTC, the participants of such activities must independently assess whether they are mentally and physically in the proper condition to responsibly take part in such activities.
c. Participants themselves should obtain information about the courses to determine whether such courses align with the future duties/activities of the participants. RNTC shall provide this information upon request and advise participants without obligation. However, participants cannot derive any rights on this basis.
9. Non-disclosure and registration of personal details
a. RNTC, its employees and (sub)contractors shall hold and maintain the confidential information in strictest confidence for the sole and exclusive benefit of the participant. Information obtained by RNTC during the period of the agreement will not be disclosed without prior approval of the participant. ‘Information’ means any information, data or know- how, including, but not limited to, that which relates to research, products, services, customers, markets, software, developments, inventions, processes, designs, marketing or finances, disclosed orally or in written or electronic form. This information does not include information, data or know-how which is in the possession of the RNTC at the time of disclosure as shown by RNTC files and records prior to the time of disclosure.
b. By entering into an agreement with RNTC, RNTC is granted permission to automatically process the personal details obtained from the agreement. RNTC will only use these personal details for its own activities. RNTC will manage the personal details it has obtained in the legally prescribed manner.
c. Next of kin or emergency contact information provided by course participants will be used by RNTC only in emergency circumstances where it is necessary for RNTC to advise next of kin of the course participant’s situation.
d. RNTC will be permitted to use visual material of activities and events in which the participant is recorded as part of a group for marketing and publicity purposes. If the participant does not wish to permit RNTC use of visual material that includes their person, they should express this in writing to an RNTC staff person in advance of the course.
10. Personal conduct
a. Course participants are expected to treat each other respectfully and comply with all RNTC policies as well as the laws of the country from where the course Is conducted.
b. Course participants are responsible for loss or damage of equipment which they have lent from RNTC and signed for.
c. Behaviour which contributes to an intimidating, hostile or demeaning environment for staff or participants is not tolerated and will lead to expulsion.