MENA Scholarship Programme
Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and administered by Nuffic , the Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education.
Scholarship programmesMENA Scholarship Programme (MSP)
MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Scholarship Programme (MSP) is available to 11 countries. Find the list of countries here.
In general, two scholarships rounds a year will open, around February and August. You can already register!
50% of all scholarships per country are for women.
If granted a scholarship, the candidate complies with the scholarship rules and regulations, one of which is that upon termination of the scholarship you will return to your own country.
Read below the guidelines for the application process and criteria to apply carefully. Please also see our Scholarship FAQ.
Don't hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions:
Courses on offer
Media Campaigns for Social Change and Advocacy
Developing traditional and online campaigns that inspire change and amplify advocacy efforts.
Digital Content Creation
Developing engaging multimedia content for broadcast and the web.
Digital Media to Counter Disinformation and Hate Speech
Providing practical tools to combat disinformation, counter hate speech and polarisation online, and increase outreach in media.
Public Interest Journalism
Delivering powerful stories that have an impact on society, with the sole objective of exposing the truth.
Guidelines and criteria to apply
Start in time with your scholarship application as you will need to complete your application in two phases. Registration on our website is phase one.
Phase 1: Registration
- Register on our website and check if your country is eligible for any program.
- Select a course and submit your registration.
- RNTC will assess your registration. If you are eligible for the program, we will send you a link to start your Delta application.
Phase 2: Application in Delta
This step is necessary to complete your application and to have a chance on a scholarship!
- Use the link we send you to start your Delta application. Your application has to be completed and submitted in one go and before the deadline!
- Check the MENA country focus document: your application is reviewed on how it fits the embassy's country focus.
- Use the formats provided by Nuffic and submit all the required documents exactly as specified.
- File formats should be in PDF and your documents must not exceed 2 MB.
- Before starting your application in Delta, make sure you have all the documents, mentioned below, ready.
- Your application upload in Delta is successful if you receive a confirmation email from Nuffic.
- RNTC will send you a status update, complete or incomplete, on your Delta application.
Documents required
- Valid identification document
- A passport needs to be valid at least three months after the course end date.
- National Identity Card.
- Check your country's regulations on valid identification documents.
- Employer statement
- Fill out exactly as specified by Nuffic and use the format provided by Nuffic, see download page.
- This document, with your organization's logo, consists of at least two pages. Both have to be filled in, signed and stamped by your supervisor.
- Government statement, if applicable for your country, in which the government expresses its support.
- Check the government statement requirements document to see if this applies to your country.
- Check with your government and/or the Dutch embassy if a government statement is needed.
- If a government statement is required, please use the format provided by Nuffic
- A complete statement is an official document and is signed and stamped.
Motivation requirements
Make sure to prepare the questions below so you can copy/paste them into your Delta application. Your motivation will weigh heavily in the selection procedure.
- What is the issue or problem you want to address in your country?
- How will this course enable you to address this issue?
- How does the position you hold within your organization enable you to address the issue upon your return?
Next steps after uploading a complete Delta application
Selection of shortlisted candidates
RNTC Media Training Centre provides the Dutch embassy in your country a shortlist of scholarships candidates. The Dutch embassy in your country will select those who are granted a scholarship.
Part of the evaluation is on how your application fits the embassy's Country Focus. It might be the case the embassy contacts your supervisor for more details.
Announcement of nominations
RNTC Media Training Centre will contact you if you are nominated for a scholarship.
The MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) has an age limit of 45 years. Check below if you are eligible to apply for the program
- You are a national who lives and works in one of the countries of the following Middle East and North African (MENA) countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Syria* or Tunisia.
* Please note that MENA is ONLY open to applicants of Syrian Nationality who are residing and working in one of the selected MENA countries - You have an employer statement that complies with the format Nuffic has provided.
- You have an official and valid identification document.
- You are not attending two or more courses at the same time.
- You can provide a government statement if needed. Please, check here to see if you need one.
- You are not over 45 years of age at the time of the scholarship application deadline.
- You must not be employed by an organisation that has its own means of staff-development, such as:
- Multinational corporations (e.g. Shell, Unilever, Microsoft)
- Large national and/or large commercial organisations
- Bilateral donor organisations (e.g. USAID, DFID, Danida, Sida, Dutch ministry of Foreign affairs, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid)
- Multilateral donor organisations (e.g. a UN organisation, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, IADB)
- International NGOs (e.g. Oxfam, Plan, Care)
Phase 2 Application in Delta: what you need
Identification document
Provide a copy of a valid identification document.
- A passport needs to be still valid at least three months after the course end date
- National identity card
- Check your country's regulations on valid identification documents
Employer statement
Please fill this out as specified by Nuffic and use the format on our download page. A complete statement consists of at least two pages, all questions answered, signed and stamped by your supervisor.
Government statement
A number of governments for MSP countries require a government statement before candidates can apply for a scholarship. Check here if this might apply to you.
Prepare questions in your application in advance. Check our 'Guidelines and criteria to apply' above or our Scholarships FAQ for the questions that will be asked in your application.
For questions about the application process and Delta application form, have a look at our Scholarships FAQ.
Go to frequently asked questions
RNTC Media Training Centre
- 50+ yearsExperience
- 58 Countries
- 5Languages
- 6000+Alumni